Feature in the New indian Express
The Sei Sanjeevani Cerebral Palsy Care Centre was featured in the New Indian Express on March 12th 2020! Click the link to read the article.

The Madras Seva Sadan (Prem Vihar)
The Madras Seva Sadan is a great boon for us here at Sei Sanjeevani Cerebral Palsy care Centre. They have been most generous to us, by providing a stellar location for us to run the rehabilitation centre completely free of charge.
The Sei Sanjeevani Cerebral Palsy Care Centre is located on the ground floor of the Prem Vihar building at The Madras Seva Sadan.

Feature in the hindu
The Sei Sanjeevani Cerebral Palsy Care Centre’s Annual Sports Day was covered by The Hindu! Click the link to check out the article.