ABout us

Sei Sanjeevani Cerebral Palsy Care centre, is a rehabilitation centre for children with Cerebral Palsy. Launched in 2019, we provide children with Cerebral Palsy high quality physical therapy and rehabilitation completely free of charge. 

Cerebral Palsy lacks awareness around the world, but especially in India. The general public is unaware about what Cerebral Palsy is and how it must be handled. This leads to a lot of fear and stigma attached to the disorder. Not only that, rehabilitation for a child with Cerebral Palsy, can be very expensive making it inaccessible to a large portion of the population.

Our mission is to enable children with Cerebral Palsy to join the mainstream, by providing comprehensive treatment and high quality rehab completely free of charge.

When it comes to Cerebral Palsy, early diagnosis and early intervention is the key for the child to be able to live the most normal life possible! This makes awareness about the disorder and how it must be treated absolutely essential.  

Imagine a world where there is no stigma attached to Cerebral Palsy, where early intervention and high quality rehab is the norm, where all Cerebral Palsy kids have the opportunity to join the mainstream and pursue their dreams.

This utopian world is a possibility. And it is our vision.

If you’re interested in helping our vision or mission, get in touch!